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Pets in the Classroom

Are you a teacher, or do you know a teacher? Learn how you can get funding toward a classroom pet with the help of Pet Supplies Plus and Pets in the Classroom! Kids benefit from exposure to pets in the classroom in ways that help shape their lives for years to come.


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What is Pets in the Classroom?

Pets in the Classroom is an educational grant program that provides financial support to teachers to purchase and maintain small animals in the classroom. The program was established by the Pet Care Trust to provide children with an opportunity to interact with pets - an experience that can help to shape their lives for years to come.


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kids holding reptiles
kid looking at reptile

Why Have Pets in the Classroom?

Classroom animals are wonderful resources for teachers to make learning fun for all subjects!


Here's how animals benefit the classroom:

  • pets improve school attendance
  • pets encourage nurturing
  • pets build self-esteem
  • pets promote empathy
  • pets teach responsibility
  • pets stimulate learning
  • pets enrich the classroom experience
  • pets become friends


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How Do I Apply?

Adding a pet to your classroom is no hassle! Simply click "Apply Now" on the page and fill out an application! Once approved, Pet Supplies Plus will email coupons directly to you in support of your classroom pets. Bring the coupons to your local Pet Supplies Plus store and we'll help you get started!


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