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Green/Red Iguana Care Guide

Did You Know?

  • Green and Red Iguanas have very sharp teeth lining the inner jawbone of both top and bottom jaws, similar to those of the extinct dinosaur, “Iguanadon”, which is where their name comes from.

  • Green and Red Iguanas are native to Central and South America.

  •  If threatened an iguana can break off it’s tail to escape predators. Luckily they can usually grow them back.

  • These lizards are excellent swimmers!

Red/Green Iguana

Species Information


10-20 years



Up to 6 feet long 



Basking Temps – 90- 950 F

Day Temps – around 78-850 F

Night Temps – Not to fall below 700 F 



65-75% humidity levels



Green and Red Iguanas are generally lethargic diurnal lizards. With lots of training and human interaction they can be handled. These lizards get very large and powerful so training is a must to manage these beautiful creatures once they reach adult size. Males should always be housed alone, while females may be housed together given enough space. 


Green and Red Iguanas are completely herbivorous. Iguanas should be fed a large fresh salad every single day. Some great fruit and vegetable options are: Green beans, alfalfa (rabbit pellets), acorn squash, butternut squash, cactus leaves, collard greens, dandelion greens, endive, mango, mustard greens, okra, papaya, parsnips, snap peas, turnip greens and watercress. Be sure to feed a variety. Other fruits and vegetables can be fed in moderation.



Dust food with calcium supplement and vitamin supplements. As a rule, a growing juvenile’s food should be dusted more often than an adult’s.



All water given to lizards for bathing, swimming or drinking, as well as water used for misting must be 100% free of chlorine and heavy metals. Fresh water for soaking and drinking should be offered daily.



Red and Green Iguanas are an arboreal forest species. They will usually choose the highest branch in the cage to perch on, so a very tall cage height is imperative. Cage size should be 8 feet long x 4-6 feet deep x 7-8 feet high. Solid sides like glass or plexiglass are recommended to keep humidity at appropriate levels.



We recommend a mulch bedding or reptile carpeting substrate.


Iguanas love to climb. Choose branches that your lizard can climb on safely and lie on comfortably. Sand blasted grape vine branches are available and serve as good sturdy climbing branches. Plants are not recommended for iguana habitats as they will eat them



All iguanas MUST be exposed to UVB lighting 8-12 hours a day. This exposure is CRITICAL in allowing the animal to synthesize vitamin D3 and absorb calcium.



All lizards must have distinct day and night periods in their enclosure to maintain their biological rhythms. Iguanas need 8-12 hours of daytime and 8-12 hours of nighttime.



Daily maintenance should consist of spot cleaning by removing soiled substrate, cleaning water bowl thoroughly and wiping glass clean. The entire tank should be cleaned thoroughly at least once every month.



  •  8ft x 4ft x 7 ft reptile tank with secure mesh top at minimum for adults, juveniles may be housed in large glass tanks with secure mesh lids temporarily. 
  • Large light domes and appropriate heat lights 
  • Temperature / humidity gauge 
  • Multiple wood perches and vines 
  • Mulch bedding or reptile carpeting substrate 
  • Spray bottle for misting 
  • Large water bowl – big enough to soak in 
  • Large food bowl 
  • Fluorescent UVB Bulb and housing 
  • Vitamin and calcium supplements 
  • Water dechlorinate drops


Vet Approved

Our Care Guides are designed to assist in general knowledge and requirements for the care of your new family member. We strongly encourage further research and consultation with your veterinarian on the complete and proper care of any new pet.

For more information visit, or contact your veterinarian.

Always wash your hands before and after handling your pet or cleaning its habitat, and remember that any pet can scratch, bite or transmit disease to humans.

For pregnant women, persons with compromised immune systems, or if you have children under the age of 5, we strongly recommend contacting your physician prior to purchasing or caring for a new pet.

Please see the Centers for Disease Control website at for more information.

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