How to Set Up a Betta Fish Tank Like a Rockstar
Betta fish are no divas of the sea.
Yet despite their diminutive size, betta fish do have a short list of demands to help them thrive. That’s why it’s so important to know how to set up a betta fish tank. And a great place to start is Pet Supplies Plus where you’ll find all your fish necessities in one place, i.e.:
- Tank & Cover
- Aquarium Filter
- Thermometer
- Heater
- Dechlorinating Drops
- Water Conditioner
- Water Test Strips or Kits
- Food
- Gravel & Sand
- Aquarium Décor
- Plants (Live & Artificial)
It’s best you purchase these products before you bring your finned friend home. Once you have everything you need, it’s time to set up your betta fish tank.
Step 1: Find a Good Place for the Tank
The water in a beta fish tank should always be around 76–78° F. To avoid temperature fluctuations, don’t put your tank in direct sunlight, around drafty areas or near a heating/air conditioning vent.
We suggest at least a 5-gallon tank for your betta fish. While they can live in smaller confines, they prefer having room to swim and be their fabulous selves. And since betta fish can jump out of water, put a cover on your tank.
TANK TIP: Male betta fish do not get along with one another, so don’t put them together in the same tank. Females sometimes fare better with other female betta fish, but no guarantees. Both male and female bettas, however, do play nice with other community-type fish that won’t nip at their long tails.
Step 2: Spruce Up Their Tank
Add the gravel and sand to a dry tank. If you go with gravel, rinse it under cool water first to remove unwanted dust. Any décor or plant in a betta fish tank setup should be firmly anchored into the gravel/sand. And install a good filter to help keep the water clean, but don’t turn it on until your tank is filled with water.
TANK TIP: Bury live plants in 2 inches of gravel/sand and artificial plants in 1 inch of gravel/sand.
Step 3: Add Water
While it’s okay to use tap water, the water does need to have the chlorine removed and be detoxified of heavy metals. That’s why you need a water conditioner and dechlorinating drops. This is also when you should install the heater.
TANK TIP: Use a test strip to check the water pH level, which should be between 6.5 and 7.5.
Step 4: Cycle the Water
Cycling refers to the waiting period when you run your aquarium system without any fish in it. As part of your betta fish tank setup, you should cycle the water for at least one week. Doing this lets key bacteria make their way to the surface of your tank. This is important because fish excrete ammonia as a waste product and these bacteria break down that ammonia.
Instead of waiting a week, you can speed up the cycling process with a “quick start” water treatment.
Step 5: Move-In Day
Keep your betta fish in the bag it came in, floating the bag in your tank for 15 minutes. (If your betta came in a container instead of a bag, move your fish to a bag along with the water from the container.) Depending on the bag size, add a ½ cup to 1 cup of tank water to the bag and keep it afloat for another 15 to 20 minutes. Keep adding more tank water to the bag 1 or 2 more times. Once the water in the bag is the same temperature as the water in the tank, it’s time to introduce your betta fish to their new home.
Scoop your fish out of the bag or remove all the water from the bag. If you choose the latter, don’t worry. Betta fish can breathe oxygen directly from the air.
TANK TIP: Do NOT mix the bagged water with the tank water.
Step 6: Make a Tank Care Schedule
A betta fish tank does need some regular maintenance work, so we recommend creating a schedule to help you remember.
- Every Day – Feed your fish one or twice a day. A betta fish’s diet should be 75% commercial pellet or flake food and 25% live or frozen food (i.e., bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia). Make sure the water is the right temperature and check to see if the filters are working properly.
- Every Week – Test your tank’s water quality using test strips or a test kit. You should also replace 25 to 30% of the water.
- Every Month – Clean the filter and remove the algae off any aquarium décor.
Step 7: Enjoy the Betta Fish Show
Your superstar fish deserves the star treatment. Whether it’s choosing the perfect betta fish tank, getting the right accessories and décor, or making sure the water is “just right,” following these steps will help lead to a healthy and happy fish.
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