The New Kitten Guide
Bringing a pet home is an exciting and challenging time. How can something so small need so much stuff? Use these tips and shopping guide to become a kitten pro in no time.

Designate a Feeding StationÂ
Keep the food and water area away from the litter box. Cats don't like them to share the same space.
TIP: Keep your cat on the same food they are already eating. You can transition over a 10-day period.
It's important to monitor how much your pet is eating, drinking and using the restroom. If you notice anything out of the ordinary with their stool, like diarrhea or blood - or if they aren't urinating regularly, which can be dangerous for cats, contact your vet immediately.
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Establish a Safe ZoneÂ
Cats need their own space to feel safe. For the first few days or weeks, provide a small room (like the bathroom or laundry room) with food, water, toys, a litter box and a comfortable place to sleep while they acclimate. Since cats like to escape to small spaces - either a carrier or a covered cat bed will do the trick.
TIP: Make sure there is room for you to spend time and bond with your cat, but never force your new friend into interaction. Let them come to you.
Cats can easily slither into small spaces like ductwork, registers and drains. Before you release them into your home, cover up nooks and crannies.
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Encourage Play
Keep them stimulated with our wide variety of toys - from teasers to stuffed mice - to inspire your kitty.
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Set Up the Litter Box
Fill the litter box with 1-2 inches of litter and keep it in their room to give them privacy.
TIP: Once they transition out of the room, make sure the litter box is in a private and quiet place.
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Designate a Scratch Spot
A cat's claws are nails that continually grow. To wear them down and protect your furniture, provide scratching posts, or better yet, a piece of cat furniture that can satisfy their scratching, playing and climbing instincts.
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Make the IntroductionÂ
Abrupt introductions to other pets may cause your cat to go into survival mode. To avoid this, make sure they are relaxed and in their safe zone first, letting them sniff each other through the door. Share items like clothing, towels or blankets so they get used to the other pets' scent. Gradually add supervised visits through a pet gate, with lots of treats, and eventually feed them at the same time in close proximity. When ready, supervise them together and encourage play - keeping a barrier close by just in case. Reinforce good behavior with treats.
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