Aquatic Plants Care Guide
Did You Know?
- As we know, houseplants possess many beneficial characteristics that can help us destress, increase productivity, feel better and even increase air quality within our homes. In your home aquarium, aquatic plants can also offer many great benefits to you and your fish!
- In an aquarium, aquatic plants can assist in water filtration by replenishing oxygen into the water, take in nitrates from the water that can be harmful to your fish and provide ground cover and hides for all tank inhabitants.

Species Information
There are many types of plants available to the hobbyist and not all can be kept in the same environment. Setting your plant up in the correct setting is key to success when bringing a new plant home. The three categories available for your aquarium are fully aquatic, emergent, or bog species.
Fully aquatic plants thrive only when submersed completely in your aquarium. Common fully aquatic plants: Cryptocoryne, Pennywort, Java moss, Marimo balls and Monte Carlo.
Emergent plants will thrive either partially or fully submerged in your aquarium. These plants make great options for terrariums, open top aquariums and paludariums as they will thrive past the water line of your aquarium. Common emergent plants: Amazon Sword, Java, Fern, Anubias, ludwigia, and bacopa.
Bog plants will thrive when they are only partially submerged, and their leaves are able to protrude out of your aquarium. Some will float on the water surface while others Common bog plants: Water lettuce, Duck weed, Salvinia, Venus fly traps and pitcher plants.
While some aquatic plants require nutrient dense soils, others prefer to be bare rooted on top of the gravel or décor. Researching your specific plants needs will ensure a successful transplant when you bring them home.
Aquatic plant species that require a high level of nutrients or CO2 to thrive may need to be supplemented with appropriate products. If using a liquid CO2 or aquarium fertilizer always dose as recommended on the product packaging and do not overdose.
Aquatic plants require a full spectrum light in order to photosynthesis. This can be provided by either LED lighting or fluorescent bulbs made specifically for planted aquariums. Your plants should get 10-12 hours of daylight a day.
Some tropical fish may turn to your aquatic plants as food or uproot plants if they are destructive in nature. Therefor it’s important to choose more certian species to successfully keep healthy planted aquariums. Planted Aquarium Recommended compatible species: Nano Freshwater shrimp, corydora catfish, snails, rasboras, small tetras, dwarf gourami, angelfish, bettas, dwarf cichlids, rainbowfish.
- Full spectrum planted aquarium lighting
- Aquatic plant fertilizer if needed
- Liquid CO2 if needed
- Appropriate soil or substrate for your plant species
Vet Approved
Our Care Guides are designed to assist in general knowledge and requirements for the care of your new family member. We strongly encourage further research and consultation with your veterinarian on the complete and proper care of any new pet.
For more information visit, or contact your veterinarian.
Always wash your hands before and after handling your pet or cleaning its habitat, and remember that any pet can scratch, bite or transmit disease to humans.
For pregnant women, persons with compromised immune systems, or if you have children under the age of 5, we strongly recommend contacting your physician prior to purchasing or caring for a new pet.
Please see the Centers for Disease Control website at for more information.
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