Human Foods for Cats to Enjoy, and What to Avoid
Cat Got Your Snack?
We love our cats, so naturally, we love to share with them. We share our homes, our time, our affection, and yes, even our food. But understanding what human foods cats can eat safely is important before we give in to those big eyes and little purrs. While it is always best to talk to your veterinarian about what is safe to share with your feline friend, we’ve put a list together of human foods that are generally considered safe for cat consumption, and some to avoid.
Human Foods Your Cat Can Eat
Fish & Other Meats
It’s a well-known fact that cats like fish. Which is a good reason to keep your fishbowl out of reach of your curious kitty. However, cooked fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines are actually a great source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are helpful to your cat’s overall health. While most types of fish are ok to feed your cat, make sure to never feed your cat raw fish. Other cooked, lean meats that are healthy for your cat include beef, chicken, liver, lamb, and turkey.
Next time you’re cooking yourself up a delicious omelet or scrambled eggs, set some aside for your kitty. Packed full of protein and amino acids, eggs are a great way to treat your cat while keeping them strong and healthy. However, raw eggs pose a risk of salmonella- so make sure they are fully cooked before serving them up!
Some Fruits and Veggies
Getting your cat to eat their fruits and vegetables might be an uphill battle. However, if your cat is willing to eat some mashed carrots or fresh cantaloupe, they will certainly benefit from the variety of vitamins, fiber, potassium, and other healthy nutrients they provide. Here are a few fruits and vegetables that are considered cat-friendly snacks:
Fruits: bananas, apples, blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, seedless watermelon and pumpkin
Vegetables: steamed broccoli, chopped carrots, cucumber, peas, corn, green beans, zucchini and spinach
Whole Grains
Just like people, cats can benefit from including small amounts of whole grains into their diet. Oats are one type of whole grain that offers energy-packed nutrients (like B vitamins) and can be found in many common cat food brands.
Kitty Keep-Aways
While certain human foods are ok to feed your cat, some can be harmful and even poisonous to them. Here is a list of foods to make sure to avoid feeding your cat:
• Salt
• Chocolate
• Dairy
• Citrus fruits
• Coffee (or anything containing caffeine)
• Nuts and seeds
• Grapes and raisins
• Raw meat, fish and eggs
• Bread dough containing yeast
• Coconut water or milk
• Some vegetables and herbs including onions, garlic, leeks, scallions, shallots, and chives
• Xylitol (a sweetener found in some processed food, gum, and candies)
• Alcohol or foods containing alcohol
If you know or believe that your cat has consumed something toxic, call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435 right away.
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